Monday, May 02, 2011


six hours by the bosphorus, feeling an extreme comfort of a steaming cup of mehmet efendi, which tasted quite like kapal api with one sugar. the silhouette of the minarets, the unfinished report, the bridge crossers, commuting between anatolia and thrace, all fit to the tune of ommadawn's chorus. oh well, the songs of the distant earth remain the same after all these nine years.


BeluBelloBelle said...

Sumpeeh lo! ni blog bersuara??
ni gw yang kecapean nulis ato emang ada tulisan baru ?
mmm - not quite sure about (@_@")

Anonymous said...

yip yip yip yey ... nice to meet u again (^_^) even in a rush hours. however its pleased to see world spin and sparks that time before u back again
- Belu -