Wednesday, June 03, 2009

apple of summer

"tic, toc, tic, toc, tic, toc..." the time is ticking into the month called june. everyone and everything are marching in with it. a season named summer is out therew. outside my window. it keeps the sun up high until late. the stars and the moon must hasten back disappear to allow mr. sunlight come sooner. little animals rejoice under its shower of sunshine. birds are back into this little town. atop the roof and on the branches they sing. 

the huge pine tree in front of saint john's gate, which was once decorated with colourful lamps for christmas, must admit that now it is less colourful compared to the bushes and their wild flowers. 

i'm sitting here with my apple. seems like we're trying to understand each other, without saying any word.


Anonymous said...


BeluBelloBelle said...

tic-toc and ticking time like always yeah vahd :)
what a joyfull time you had with that apple u bite
funny and warm notes.