Friday, April 25, 2008

hop hop hop...

it was when i took into the skies above jakarta, jogjakarta and surabaya cities, far above the clouds that shade java island, i observed with maximum curiosity the life of the millions souls dwelling down there. farmers come to take care of their crops; fishermen spreading their nets; and everybody else that seems to be so bussy.

i was bussy too. chewing kit kat. reading laskar pelangi. and piercing my eyes to express how sour the the apple juice was.

to revisit the eastern parts of java was a good moment of escape. in jogja i was tasked to be a master of ceremony, an mc, of a seminar. and in surabaya, it was rather plentier of time for reading.

o yes, i found this novel laskar pelangi very interesting. i cant help but keep reading it from page to page a hundred and forty in a row. wohow...


Ren! said...

enjoy other parts of java, vahd. and what a splendid choice for bringing along laskar pelangi. that book has left me with euphoria that stays on till now :) i wish it does even more to you.

belu said...

wew ... being an mc yah? baru baca nih ... asiiiik mau dunk jadi mc di nikahan gw someday...ato gak lil speech aja deh buat mempelai :d ,hahahahaha...
