Monday, January 25, 2010


news from darfour
and from kinshasa
arrived at my desk
almost simultaneously:

two torch bearers,
carrying the glow from the stars,
walk through the nights

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

food seller at night

i captured this image in an occassion of visiting a museum in jakarta, one night in september 2009.

there are night foodstalls around this museum particularly during weekends. this one is a picture of a man selling fried bananas, taufus, and sweet-potato dumplings. behind him is a stall selling drinks. hot and cold are available.

i took other pictures of those sellers. i like the contrast bright produced by the oil-lamp they are using.

Friday, January 15, 2010

kids again

will is in town. and so is husin. my semi-cousins. how glad i did feel when the three of us spent the night together in front of wide television screen, building towers in that playstation game, laughing and teasing at each other just like when we were thirteen. throwing pillows, spilling water - cold water, and other non-essential things for the sake of kidding.