Monday, October 27, 2008


i shall write now of bubbles...

because i see lines of bubbles in the water which i poured into my glass, even though it was not the sparkling of the kind.
it was tap water.

so i think and observe that among them some are smaller, clustered; and others are bigger, scattered. like my mind. sometimes.

like yours too, perhaps. when you are lonelier than billy joel.

maybe, if i have a microscopic vision, plus some teaspoons of hallucination, i can see a tiny universe in each balloon that is trapped in there.

but i was just too thirsty to hallucinate.

1 comment:

BeluBelloBelle said...

Uhmmm...seems like something i ever saw before...Uhm where yeah?...
Oooo yap-yap-yap inget. Bahan-bahan skrip komik kemaren.Seems like old nope ancient map of old land in europe
Cool =)