Wednesday, May 21, 2008

singing with elvis

"to dream the impossible dream, to fight the unbeatable foe, to bear with unbearable sorrow, to run where the brave dare not go...

to right the unrightable wrong, to be better far than you are, to try when your arms are too weary, to reach the unreachable staaaar...

this is my quest, to follow that star, no matter how hopeless, no matter how far, to be willing to give when there's no more to give, to be willing to die so that honor and justice may live...

and i know if i'll only be true to this glorious quest, that my heart will lie peaceful and calm when i'm laid to my rest... and the world will be better for this, that one man scorned and covered with scars, still strove with his last ounce of courage...

to reach the unreachable staaaaaaaar.....!!!"


belu said...

haiaaaaah finally ketemu juga ni bacaan....!!!
gw butuh lyric-nya coz of lupa judul en gw inget ada di blog ini.
tp bodohnya gw lupa judul notes-nya (@_@")
Baru skg ketemu lagi...hahahaha after 2 taun lewat >Guubbraaaag.

Hi yasud ah>

BeluBelloBelle said...

Akhirnya ! pas taun 2012 pas ada yg muter di radio gw inget ada dimana catatan ini...tapi pas nyanyi hmm ada bait yg missed tnyata :D

Peace yow! (^^V)