in a writers' museum in edinburgh, november 2005, i found this sentence written on a wall, close to the ceiling of a small bathroom.
by a man who once traveled for travel's sake...
this sentence is short. but i can picture the man's face when he wrote it. and this impression stays in my head ever since.
this short sentence has since then traveled far within my mind. it escapes its original place in scotland. i took it home. i store it in my notebook. i reread it. and here it is. it comes again as a new page, for anyone who has interest in traveling for its own sake.
i love that quote, photo, and philosophy.
best wishes on the trails of 2008.
dear vahd, thanks for sharing this.
for many, including myself, traveling is no longer just about getting somewhere, but also about finding ourselves.
the whole idea's well put in that short sentence :)
thanks ren, ben.
the idea of traveling always has a curious part which incites us to dream.
i am glad you like what i have put here.
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