Friday, July 08, 2016


realising a long-planned trip is always a nice thing to do. especially when the trip is for a vacation. high expectation lingers until the day come when you finally can go. you pack those bags, mark the check list of things to do, to bring, to settle, and so on. 

this year's 'idul fitri' public holiday is being spent there in bandung and then here in malang - where i write this note. 

earlier this week, i took a seventeen hour trip on malabar train from bandung in west java, to malang, here in the east. no, it was not the quickest way to get here from jakarta. but compared to the exhausting traffic jam experienced by those travelling with cars - it's not the slowest method either. 

we know 'mudik' is not always just about to be the fastest to arrive at home, or the longest holiday break; it's about the time spent with family. a reunion, or 'silaturahmi'.

soon i will be back to the capital city; soon works will resume; soon the crowds will shift; and soon deadlines will emerge the horizon. better summon up the optimism, flex the muscles, warm up a little bit, and then get prepared for whatever the coming weeks may bring!